How 20% first 3 guests discount gets applied to a listing?
Do hosts authorize the first 3 guests discount?
How to apply first 3 guests after a listing is published?
How to remove first 3 guests 20% discount (detailed instruction with screenshots)?
How to cancel a confirmed booking with applied discount penalty free?
When hosts create a new listing, there is an option to apply 20% off promotion that helps to attract the first 3 guests. This is only available upon the listing creation process, once a listing is published hosts won't be able to run this promotion. For published listings, hosts can use Rule sets to run promotions.
Airbnb changed my prices without my concern. Why there is 20% special offer adjustment I didn't athorize?
Actually, the promotion was applied by the host. But "Offer a 20% discount for your first 3 guests to help you get hooked faster" is ticked by default, and hosts often don't notice it is applied and click "Next"
Remove 20% special offer discount first 3 guests
If your listing is already published and you no longer wish to run this discount, you can turn it off.